Monday, March 3, 2014

Tough Realization

Tri season is right around the corner.

February was a weird month training wise.  I was traveling a couple times for work, and work overall was extremely busy.  I took a ski trip with friends (which was a blast). but to say the least, my training was not on point at all.

And then all of a sudden, "shit its March"  Less than 5 weeks until Ironman Texas 70.3 which is kicking off my season.  I am using this as a training race for IMTexas, which is less than 6 weeks after Galveston.  Which means I have less than 11 weeks to IMTexas....

Mind starts racing of all sorts of thoughts and emotions.  Mainly, "crap will I be ready?"
I believe my run is farther along than at this point last year, but still wondering if its enough and I struggle daily with the thought of my biking endurance being low.  112 miles is a long way.

This weekend was a good weekend in training, in the regards that not everything went perfect but that it happened.

I usually have some great training partners that I run with for long runs.  I didn't have that this weekend, so my long run was me and me alone.  The humidity and heat started to pick up in Houston, so it was a lot of mental focus to maintain my pace through my long run.  I know the weather for IMTexas, so the heat and humidity training is welcomed.

Just like normal the weather in Texas is unpredictable so the weather changed drastically from Saturday to Sunday.  I don't know the exact wind speed but it was brutal.  The last half of my long ride was solo into the head wind.  It was tough and it hurt, wanted to stop and throw a pity party multiple times.  When I finished, I think I was excited to do my brick run, just because I was off the bike. Legs were toast but pushed to finish the brick.

This weekend wasn't my best workouts by far, but definitely were great.  You learn more from the tough ones than the ones that seem easy.

Lot of work left to do...
