Friday, November 7, 2014

Ironman Florida 2014 (Sans Swim)

Pre Race
                I had solid 8 week training block leading up this race.   And I had some of my best training days I have ever had.  I was feeling confident but had high goals for this race, so was nervous as always, if not more.
                Packed up to leave just like last year on Tuesday night, stopped half way to finish getting there on Wednesday.  I didn’t want to feel rushed and enjoyed having the extra day on Wednesday to get things organized and finalized. Went for short swims and bricks the days there.  The water was amazing and great conditions (soon to change).  The weather was predicting a huge cold front coming through and extreme high winds.  I was trying not to focus on this and just focus on what needed to be done.
Race Morning
                I did sleep fairly well, and woke up only a few times, we could hear the wind howling out of the window. This did not leave much to the imagination of how bad the winds were going to be.  After I got up at 4 the final time, I ate a quick breakfast and headed down to transition to get my bike ready.  It was bone chilling cold and the wind was even worse.  I got my bike ready and headed back to the condo to get warm and try to relax.  Around 630, we headed down to the beach.  Shortly before the pros were about to get in the water, they made an announcement that the swim was canceled due to winds and rip tide.  It was seriously dangerous looking.  I hated they canceled it but was the right thing to do.
                They told us to be back at our bikes at 8 for a rolling TT start.  This morning was the craziest morning I have had prior to a race.  My mind was all over the place and I even lost the feeling that I was even racing.  Hard to get into a race mindset, when so many things changed and I was standing for an hour at bike literally shaking from the cold.  Luckily I was standing with Mollie, and she always tries to keep me focused and calm.

                Finally time for to walk my bike past the mount line and get on and go.  I was riding my P5, with my Flo 60 and Flo Disc.  I was so happy to be on my bike and going that I almost forgot how cold I was, maybe that was because I couldn’t feel that I even had fingers or toes any more.  I knew the winds were coming out of the North/Northwest.  So the first 23 miles would be pretty much a direct headwind.  It was extremely difficult mentally to push through that especially after having to stand and wait, for everyone.  I had been focusing on just fighting the wind but staying in my watts, and as aero as possible that when I got to mile 20ish I realized that I had been neglecting my nutrition.  Had barely drunk anything, had not eaten anything and taken no salt.  Part of the issue was the wind and gusts that I was nervous to reach for anything in fear of getting blown around.  And with my gloves on it was hard to get my salt and food.  I made some quick adjustments to get liquid in me, slowed down briefly to eat and get enough salt in.  This still became an issue the rest of the ride with the wind.  After making the right hand turn at mile 23, the wind was now a cross wind and I was able to pick my speed up a little.  When we made one more right hand turn, we headed south, so we had a direct tail wind.  I knew this stretch was only a short distance but wanted to take full advantage of the tail wind.  So I pushed the pace a little and felt like I was flying.  Soon it would end and we would make a left hand turn.  This section was difficult, as it wasn’t into a headwind but was on a curvy road so the wind was shifting all over in direction it was coming.  Right at mile 50, we cross onto a terribly bumpy road. I remember from last year and there is not anything you can do but just suck it up and ride.  The wind and the road were defeating.  And then to top of it off, there was a brush fire so breathing in smoke for a mile or so. I made it to the turn around and was coming back to Special needs.  As I pulled up yelling my number, they could not find my bag.  Usually I can grab my bag and keep going but I had to stop this time.  I lost several minutes here waiting; since I was already stopped I just loaded up my stuff once they found it.  I refueled and was off.  Just focusing on getting off this section.  After off this road, we were on the top part of the course, which is mentally tough for the mileage we are in and then it was a cross/head wind.  Kept focusing on staying aero and cutting through the wind.  At about mile 75 I came up on Ricardo, prior to this, I had no idea how I was doing in comparison to everyone else.  I knew my speed and time was significantly slower than last year but much different conditions, so I didn’t know.  Knowing how strong of a cyclist Ricardo is and the fact that he started about 10-15 min ahead of me, it lifted my spirits and mentality a little when I caught him.  At this point, I only had a little bit more to go until we headed back south and hopefully some more tailwinds.  Almost had a feeling of “final stretch” once I made that turn.  We did have an out and back so it broke up the direct tailwind and lost some benefit but was able to get my overall speed to increase for the whole ride in the last 25 or so miles.  My legs were starting to get tired and I knew I had a marathon ahead, so didn’t push too much.  Even staying in my watts, fighting wind like that for 5+ hours takes a huge toll on the muscles.

Time: 5:25:19 20.66 mph 14th AG
                This was significant slower than last year, than my IMTX time, and what I wanted for the day.  But with the conditions, I was happy with this time considering.

                I handed my bike off to a volunteer and started my run to get my run bag. I may have accidentally shoved someone out of my way that was blocking my path I was trying to run on to get my bag.  But I was feeling good and happy to be off the bike.  And I was extremely excited to start the marathon and see what I could do.  I had an amazing volunteer, he helped my pull all my layers off, socks, everything and had my nutrition and shoes and socks ready for me.  This is the first race that I had to change like this.  I had my kit on underneath but still had several layers from the bike to take off.  I have been proud of my transition times, as this can be free speed in my opinion.
Time: 2:44


                My legs were feeling good as I started the run.  I had high hopes for this marathon going into the race but with the winds on the bike, I hoped I had saved enough to have a good run.  As always I started out to fast. I was trying to slow my pace to be right at an 8 min mile.  It was 7:36, shit…ok slow down for the next one.  It was 7:37, hmm.  I told myself to try to slow down a little more because my goal was to run the first half marathon at 750-755 pace.  But I was feeling very comfortable and in a weird way like I was tiring myself out more by trying to slow down.  But I told myself just to focus on staying comfortable and smooth and was focusing on my form more than my pace.  I had decided that I would try to slow down a little at the aid stations to take in my salt and nutrition.  I think that worked perfectly, usually I am so focused at the beginning to keep moving fast that I think not getting in the adequate nutrition or even if I slosh it in, will hurt me later. I was feeling very smooth and comfortable.  All my splits were coming in around 7:50.  I got to the turnaround point and said ok, just do that 3 more times. I also told myself only 20 more miles (weird thought to have) “how many times have you run 20 miles with john and brian, that’s all this is, just another Saturday morning run”  On the way back, I started to cross paths with people I knew, it is always a great lift to see friends on the course.  I was trying to pick people off in front of me and then slowly real them in to pass them.  It was hard to tell who was in my AG and even if I could, I had no idea where they had started in relation to the TT format. So I had no idea what place I was in.  This was pretty frustrating but I just kept telling myself to have the run I know I can do.  As I was less than a mile from the half way turn around, I saw mollie and I was ecstatic, I knew that she had been very nervous about the winds but to see her when I did I knew she had a great bike!  When we passed each other she asked if I was done…No I said looking at her a little weird, then she asked if I was ok. Like something was wrong that I wasn’t done yet.  Even though at this point the pros hadn’t even finished…

As I looped around the block to special needs. I saw our Elite Cheer squad that was amazing! (Sonia, Roni, Michelle, and Kay).  I had asked Sonia to help me with my placement but because of the TT start, the tracker had me in 14th which is the place that I had finished the bike, because they couldn’t update the splits with placement not knowing who was in front.  Not knowing this at the time, when she said I was in 14th, it took me by surprise a little bit because I had been running well I thought and thought I would have been higher.  Oh well, now I told myself to forget about placement and just run like I can.  This may come back to hurt me in the end, not knowing what place I was in or where people were.  I slowed a little to get my second half nutrition from special needs and was off again.  At this point I was still feeling pretty good, but soon my stomach started to kind of rumble, not like my normal GI issues but just like I had to go to the normal bathroom (weird statement, not normal racing GI but just that time to go).  So not wanting this to turn into anything worse, I did stop at one portopottie.  Knowing my issues last year, I hoped this wouldn’t be a pattern.  Luckily I was able to go and be back running quickly with no issue.  As I was approaching 10 miles to go, my legs really started to hurt.  I just kept telling myself to shut up and keep running.  How many times had I run 10 miles, this was just a mid-week, mid distance run.  Just focus on that.  I told myself that I could literally collapse in 10 miles but just give me 10 more.  I kept pushing through with my legs and hamstrings specifically on fire.  I had seen Tommy Sustala at every turn around he was ahead of me.  I could tell that I was gaining ground on him.  And heading to the last turn around, he told me to come and catch him.  I can’t thank everyone enough for the support and the push, even when people are having a tough day, they always encourage others.  Once I got to the final turnaround, I had just over a 10K to go.  I actually didn’t go through the normal tough wall at mile 20.  This was the first race I was able to mentally push through the blocks.  I was extremely proud of myself for being able to make myself keep going.  I knew it was going to hurt but I wanted to run a sub 3:30 marathon extremely bad.  I knew I was capable and now I just had to do it.  I think the entire last 6 miles I was gritting my teeth, and others could see the grimace in my face.  I ended up catching Tommy at about mile 22, he told me to finish strong and go get it.  I was hurting but knew I could push.  Everyone I knew that I crossed was giving me such encouragement. And I apologize if I did not give them same out loud, in my mind I was.  As I made it to the final mile, it was lined with people, I saw the elite cheer squad one last time as I went around the block and turned off to the finishers chute.  I could see my family on the right side and was so happy and thankful to see them.  As I crossed the line, I did my normal jump and slapped the clock.  This time I was literally terrified I would collapse when I came down.  That is the most I have pushed my legs during an IM and I was not sure if they could hold me.  Luckily they did.  At this point, I had no idea what my overall time was or what my run time was, but I was happy with how I ran.  So no matter the time, I was happy that I was able to put together a solid run.  The sun had started to set, and it was getting cold.  I had them give me a cup of chicken broth and that warmed me up nice.  But the more I stood out there the more I was getting cold with my body not too happy with me, so I headed to my condo quickly to shower and warm up before coming back to find everyone else.
Time: 3:27:42  7:55 per mile pace  6th AG
Overall Time 8:55:45 6th place
Final Thoughts:
                I ended up missing 5th place by 28 seconds.  I outran the guy who finished 5th by almost 10 min on the marathon.  So, I do wonder if I would have been able to run him down knowing he was 5th place and I was less than 30 sec behind, if it was not a TT start.  But then again who knows what would have happened if there had been a swim.  So as defeating as it is to have lost a podium spot by 28 seconds, I am trying to focus on the positive of the fact I was able to have a solid run after a terrible bike conditions.  It only makes me hungry for more.  I feel I made huge gains going into this race and am excited to put in the work for my next one.  I guess I have a disease that it is less than a week and I am hard at work planning on how to get better for my next one. Happy with my race but never satisfied, always hungry for more.

I want to thank everyone that helped me get here.  Best coach I could ask for, Coolidge, not only a great coach but a great training partner there with me through all the steps.  My other training partners have pushed me to my limits and continue to challenge me to be better.  It was such a joy and honor to compete in this race with my dad.  And can’t thank him enough for everything.  And the support that my family gave to both of us through training and being there on the day.  Lastly Mollie, I am so privileged to have girlfriend that not only understands my craziness of racing these things but does them with me.  I am so proud of her and all that she accomplished and improved on setting huge PRs on this tough day.  Couldn’t do this without all the people in my life.

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